Cause Views

Sam Carlisle Sam Carlisle

Why running Cause Comms could extend my life

Do you know the answer to a long life? Eating a Mediterranean diet? Taking up weights? A happy relationship? Saying “no, ta” to Pinot Noir?

All of those probably help. But one of the biggest indicators of longevity might surprise you.

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Jenna Sloan Jenna Sloan

How to up your pitching game in five easy steps

Before Sam founded Cause she and I were both journalists working on national newspapers; Sam as an editor, me as a writer. We both received dozens of pitches a week, so we know what works.

In the last three months we’ve pitched and placed stories for our clients in dozens of outlets including Metro, Daily Telegraph, The Sun, The Times, Daily Express and Sunday Express, ITV News, Press Association and BBC Newsbeat. So it’s safe to say our pitches are working.

But what’s the key to successful pitching? Here are five tips everyone who’s pitching stories to journalists or editors should know.

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Jenna Sloan Jenna Sloan

How we made working 200 miles apart into a Cause super power

In all my previous workplaces, my colleagues have been in the same room as me, never mind the same city.

But when Sam - Cause founder and CEO - invited me to join her in the business we became each others’ sole colleagues, but based almost 200 miles apart.

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Leyla Alexander Leyla Alexander

5 ways to make your website more accessible

When we were re-designing our website, one of our main goals was to make it as accessible as possible for everyone.

We asked Leyla to write us a guest blog on how she did it, together with tips and advice for anyone else who would like to make sure their website is works for everyone, no matter how they are accessing it.

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Sam Carlisle Sam Carlisle

Charities thrive with trustees like Isaac

It feels obvious that the more representative your trustees, the more your charity is reflecting your clients. And the more diverse your leaders, the greater range of ideas you are likely to have and to put into place.

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